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Ben Nadel at CFinNC 2009 (Raleigh, North Carolina) with: Asif Rasheed and Qasim Rasheed
Ben Nadel at CFinNC 2009 (Raleigh, North Carolina) with: Asif Rasheed Qasim Rasheed

Branching Logic vs. Guard Logic When It Comes To Function Control Flow

Published in Comments (34)

When it comes to Functions in computer programming, the Return statement is pretty badass. When your program's control flow hits a return statement, it completely exits out of the current context, halting the execution of the function. In the past few weeks, since I've started playing with Node.js (a heavily asynchronous environment), I've noticed myself starting to use the return statement in lieu of the branching whenever possible. And, I've been loving it.

I don't feel like a classically trained computer programmer (despite the fact that I went to school for computer science). As such, I am quite sure that I misuse terminology all the time. So, for the sake of this blog post only, let's just get on the same page for a few concepts:

  • Branching Logic - This is the term I am going to use to indicate two or more possible control flows within a function that may each terminate with a Return statement (ie. IF-ELSE).

  • Guard Logic - This is the term I am going to use to indicate a single branch in control flow that either terminates with a return statement or returns to the primary control flow of the function.

In the past, I think I would err on the side of branching. But, in recent times, I've started to use guard-style logic and I'm actually finding it much easier to read. Instead of thinking about my logic in terms of two separate-but-equal paths (ie branching), guard logic allows me to think of a single primary path with multiple exit opportunities.

To illustrate the difference, take a look at this function:

NOTE: I am leaving many of the critical tag attributes out of this code so as to draw attention directly to the control flow aspects.

<cffunction name="doSomethingWithBranching">

	<!--- Define arguments. --->
	<cfargument name="style" />

	<!--- Check to see if the value indicates branching. --->
	<cfif ( eq "branching")>

		<cfreturn true />


		<cfreturn false />



As you can see, the control flow of this function uses a branching IF-ELSE statement. This allows both branches to exit in a return statement.

Now, take a look at this function, which accomplishes the same exact intent with guard-style logic:

<cffunction name="doSomethingWithGuard">

	<!--- Define arguments. --->
	<cfargument name="style" />

	<!--- Check to see if the value indicates guard. --->
	<cfif ( eq "guard")>

		<cfreturn true />


		If we have made it this far then no other conditions
		held true. As such, simply return false.
	<cfreturn false />


As you can see, both versions of the function have two return statements. However, in the former, those return statements both reside in a separate branch of logic; in the latter, only one of the return statements exists in a branch - the other remains in the primary control path of the function.

Given that both of these approaches yield the same outcome, I believe I am favoring guard-style control flow because it's easier to mentally model. When it comes to branching, you have to juggle at least 3 things - the primary control of the function and at least two branches (IF and ELSE). With guard-style statements, you only need to juggle 2 things - the primary control flow of the function and the IF statement. This means that at any time, you are either in or out of the primary control flow of the function. And, that's exactly the kind of duality that my brain can handle more efficiently.

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Reader Comments


So what would you do in the case of three possible exits?

Would you do:

<cfif x = y>
<cfreturn 1>

<cfif x = z>
<cfreturn 2>

<cfreturn 3>


As usual, Ben, some food for thought!

I must confess that I have used both in the past without actually drawing a mental distinction between them.

But I do like the concept of the guard-logic, which apart from anything else can do away with many nested if/else statements. Although if you have that many nested if/else statements, a bit of refactoring is probably in order anyway...



Honestly, yeah, that might be what I would do. Of course, it always depends on a bit of context. Typically, the innards of the branching is more complex than a single return statement; in those cases, I do find the guard-style logic much easier to read and understand.

But, to be fair, if all I had were conditions with single return statements, I'd probably just stick to IF/ELSE; I don't think I'd get much readability benefit from the guard-style approach.... not until the branching logic got more complex.


Yeah, the nested IF statements is definitely one of those things that you can start to cut down on if you leverage the Return statement as more of a primary control flow entity.

Food for thought is always good - I am finding that I am constantly tweaking the methodology with which I code.



I still tend to use use CFSwitch cases when dealing with including many different templates (depending on a value - ie. an "action" variable).


Maybe it is due to the simplistic examples provided, but I am having trouble finding either scenario to be more advantageous than the other. To me, they both read very similar. I am sure this is a very subjective topic though and many will prefer one over the other.

I sometimes find multiple exit points, especially when heavily nested, to be confusing. If possible, I try to use a single exit point at the end of the function and leverage variables to determine how to exit.

For example:

<cffunction name="doSomething">
<cfargument name="style" />

<cfset var result = false />

<cfif ( eq "guard")>

<cfset result = true />


<cfreturn result />



Ben, good stuff. For "branching" how about "procedural"? I was given a lecture by a bad mannered client with a computing degree, and this is the only part I remember.



I tried to keep the examples simple in order to demonstrate the difference between the two; I can definitely see the "betterness" of either approach not coming through. And, as you say, it can be very subjective - for me, it's a mental modeling limitation; I can simply keep guard statements in my head more effectively.

As far as the single return statement, I have heard of this before; though, I am not sure what the original intent behind this concept was.



Usually guard clauses are used when the function does normally does something non-trivial, but for some inputs a trivial result can be returned.

<cffunction name="sluggingPercentage">

<cfif variables.cachedsluggingPercentage neq "">
<cfreturn cachedsluggingPercentage>

<cfif arrayLen(variables.atBats) eq 0>
<cfreturn 0>

This part shall be left to the imagination, as it was during
my childhood, before the internet ruined everything.

<cfreturn computedSluggingPercentage>




Like Seb, I have used both styles - probably without quite enough thought going into it.

I tend to prefer the "branching" style based on the philosophy that a method should have one and only one exit point. Then I will use the "guard" style only when the branching leads to excessive complexity or I really want to make the "guard" nature very clear.

All of that being said, I like your idea of putting terms to these different approaches to make the decision a little easier to see and conceptualize.

Not only that, but I think this makes an argument that I have likely been to strict in my "a function should only have a single return" philosophy.



I'm pretty sure I was taught at one point that functions should only have one return value. But, I honestly can't remember what the reasoning was. Just because you can see that there is a return statement doesn't necessarily mean that value contained within the return is any more clear.

Meaning, that even with a single return statement, there is no implicit value to the value. You would still have to trace the path of branching to figure out what that would be.

The nice thing to seeing a Return statement is that it very clearly indicates: "This is the last thing you have to worry about in the function."

If you have branching AND a single return value, even if you get to the bottom of the branch, you still need to keep reading through the function to see if any additional logic gets applied to the value.

Maybe that's what appeals to me it lately - the definitive ending of each branch.


One of the places I find "Guard Logic" to be useful is in my Model-Glue apps. In Model-Glue, if a certain condition is met, you can issue a statement in your controller function to add a "result" to the event object. That result ends up acting like a return statement/interrupt that skips over any of the other message broadcasts (which are calls to other controller functions to execute model code) in that event handler and goes straight to the result code. It's a nice way of avoiding unnecessary code execution when you've already reached a success or failure condition.


I guess it's fine as long as your function is short. However, multiple return points are not encouraged when I was in college. They prefer a short if block for guards and long if block for actual "Branching Logic", and then follow by a single return statement.


As an old COBOL hack, I do miss the GOTO statement... (ducks the flying bricks) .. where you had to exit at the end of a piece of PERFORMED code (at least in the version I was using).

I tend to write functions that sit in a cftry block which then falls through to the single cfreturn at the end - sort of like....

<cffunction name="myfunction">
<cfset var LOCALS={}>
<cfset LOCALS.ret.status="OK">
<cfset LOCALS.ret.message="">
	Do something worthwhile here ....
	<cfif an error occurs >
		<cfthrow message="It went wrong">
	<cfset LOCALS.ret.returnvalue="returnvalue">
		<cfset LOCALS.status="FAIL">
		<cfset LOCALS.message="Oh crap">
	<cfreturn LOCALS.ret>

Using a struct in a standard format for all non-trivial functions lets me pass a status value and message back and makes it really easy to bubble-up error conditions.

It also makes the logic really easy to read as exception conditions are just 'thrown' out as they occur, leaving what amounts to a pretty liniar, easy to understand flow in the rest of the function.

I guess this is the 'guard logic' model, but with the added benefit of a bail-out which you can nevertheless guarantee passes through a single 'exit' point.



I definitely use a Try/Catch approach when it comes to developing an API control flow. Since so much is involved with APIs - credentials, input validation, format validation, return type validation, etc., there are many opportunities for errors to arise in each request. Try/Catch has been awesome for that (especially when using several different "typed" CFCatch tags).


I believe I was taught that also. But, I can't remember what the reasoning was.


That sounds cool. I don't know much about the Model-Glue framework.


Like you, I prefer what you're calling guard logic.

I REALLY like how it keeps indention down.

Although it's fallen into disfavor in recent years, another advantage of guard logic is that you can often get away with not coding braces on an immediate return:

<input ... onchange="
if (validTaxId('SSN', this))
return true;// Allows reuse in onsubmit.
return false;  // Allows reuse in onsubmit.

Most folks nowadays would code

<input ... onchange="
if (validTaxId('SSN', this)) {
return true;// Allows reuse in onsubmit.
return false;  // Allows reuse in onsubmit.

The purpose of braces is to group together MULTIPLE statements, but it seems like religion nowadays that we have to always code braces, just in case we want to add more statements in the future, I guess.

But even the most code-like-me-or-you're-uncool firebrands seem to tolerate a braceless break, continue or return as the only statement following an if.

And this is the same thing (no braces), but now you'll REALLY think I'm crazy:

<form ... onsubmit="
if (!this.SSN       .onchange()) return false;
if (!this.FirstName .onchange()) return false;
if (!this.MiddleInit.onchange()) return false;
return true;

I hope the code tag lines up columns the way I did when I wrote it. Isn't it REALLY easy to read? You know exactly what's going on in a glance.


*sigh* I'll get the hang of the code tag here someday, I *promise*.

3 spaces were truncated before the first 2 "return true" statements.

6 spaces were truncated before the first .onchange() in the onsubmit.



Ha ha, sorry - I wish my Code tag was better :) I used to be more flexible; but I realize that the flexibility broke after 3 sets of 2-spaces (I didn't know if it was supposed to be three sets or 2 tabs.

While I like the guard logic, I also am a huge fan of braces to define code blocks. I personally find non-brace too hard to follow since I don't code that way. I've been so conditioned to believe that braces will be there.


I call this Short Circuit programming, as you're short circuiting the rest of the logic and taking the quickest route out of the method.
I've been using it for years and it creates VERY fast and readable code. Additionally, there are branching limitations. I've come across nasty validation logic code that consists of a ton of nested if/else statements. Coldfusion (actually java) returns an error about something to do with exceeding small int branching branching paths 128 after an upgrade to CF8. I presume it was using a signed byte to count how many branching paths, and when it reaches 128, it's just too complex. Most of that code got broken into discreet functions and short circuiting logic. Speed also drastically improved as well.



128 maximum branches :) Awesome. That just seems like a huge number.

It's reassuring to hear that you've been using this type of approach and are also finding it very readable. Sometimes, I get concerned that maybe its only readable because I am the one that wrote it.



I also use it in conjunction with formatted structs as a lazy (nay, Creative and Efficient!) way to bubble up nested error messages without relying on try catch when I don't need to.

crude example:

inside component:

<cffunction name="getUserData" access="public" returntype="struct" output="false">
	<cfargument name="ID" type="numeric" required="true" />
		var MyStruct = StructNew();
		var SomeDataStruct = StructNew();
		MyStruct.Success = false;
		SomeDataStruct = getSomeData(Arguments.ID);
		if(Not SomeDataStruct.Success)
			{ return SomeDataStruct; }
		MyStruct.CurrentTime = Now();
		MyStruct.Email = SomeDataStruct.Email;
		MyStruct.Success = true;
		return MyStruct;
<cffunction name="getSomeData" access="public" returntype="struct" output="false">
	<cfargument name="ID" type="numeric" required="true" />
		var MyStruct = StructNew();
		var qGetUser = '';
		MyStruct.Success = false;
	<cfquery name="qGetUser" datasource="someDS">
		Select			*
		From			Users
		Where			User_ID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#Arguments.ID" />
		if(Not qGetUser.RecordCount)
			MyStruct.ErrorComponent = "MyComponent";
			MyStruct.ErrorMethod = "getSomeData()";
			MyStruct.ErrorType = "DBLookup";
			MyStruct.ErrorMsg = "No Records Found";
			return MyStruct;
		MyStruct.Username = qGetUser.Username[1];
		MyStruct.Email = qGetUser.Email[1];
		MyStruct.Success = true;
		return MyStruct;

inside cfm:

	variables.GetMyData = getUserData(1);
	<cfif Not GetMyData.Success>
		An Error Occured. <br />
		Component: #variables.GetMyData.ErrorComponent#<br />
		Method: #variables.GetMyData.ErrorMethod#<br />
		Type: #variables.GetMyData.ErrorType#<br />
		Msg: #variables.GetMyData.ErrorMsg#<br />
		<cfif StructKeyExists(variables.GetMyData, "DBQuery")>
			Query: #variables.GetMyData.DBQuery#<br />
		Time: variables.GetMyData.CurrentTime<br />
		Email: variables.GetMyData.Email<br />

The 'universal' error keys in the struct only exist if Success is false (and no data will be present other than the error keys. don't want partial data. Either success, or nothing). If success is true, the data keys i expect I know will be present.



A more practical example:

<cfcomponent output="false">
	<cffunction name="Init" access="public" returntype="Authentication">
		<cfreturn this />
	<cffunction name="login" access="public" returntype="struct" output="false">
		<cfargument name="Credentials" type="struct" required="true" />
			var MyStruct = StructNew();
			var qLogin = '';
			MyStruct.Success = false;
			if(Not StructKeyExists(Arguments.Credentials, "Username"))
				MyStruct.ErrorComponent = "Authentication";
				MyStruct.ErrorMethod = "login()";
				MyStruct.ErrorType = "InvalidArgument";
				MyStruct.ErrorMsg = "'Username' is not present in struct";
				return MyStruct;
			if(Not StructKeyExists(Arguments.Credentials, "Password"))
				MyStruct.ErrorComponent = "Authentication";
				MyStruct.ErrorMethod = "login()";
				MyStruct.ErrorType = "InvalidArgument";
				MyStruct.ErrorMsg = "'Password' is not present in struct";
				return MyStruct;
			qLogin = getLogin(Arguments.Credentials.Username);
			if(Not qLogin.RecordCount)
				MyStruct.ErrorComponent = "Authentication";
				MyStruct.ErrorMethod = "login()";
				MyStruct.ErrorType = "DBLookup";
				MyStruct.ErrorMsg = "Unable to find User";
				return MyStruct;
			if(Not Compare(qLogin.Hash[1], Hash(Arguments.Credentials.Password & qLogin.Salt[1],'SHA-512','UTF-8')))
				MyStruct.ErrorComponent = "Authentication";
				MyStruct.ErrorMethod = "login()";
				MyStruct.ErrorType = "AuthPassMismatch";
				MyStruct.ErrorMsg = "Password does not match";
				return MyStruct;
			MyStruct.ID = qLogin.User_ID[1];
			MyStruct.Username = qLogin.Username[1];
			MyStruct.Email = qLogin.Email[1];
			MyStruct.Success = true;
			return Mystruct;
	<cffunction name="getLogin" access="private" returntype="query" output="false">
		<cfargument name="Username" type="string" required="true" />
			var qLogin = '';
		<cfquery name="qLogin" datasource="myDS">
			Select			User_ID,
			From			Users
			Where			Username = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="Arguments.Username">
		<cfreturn qLogin />

I really hate seeing functions where the entire body of the function is inside an if statement. I always write what you're calling guard logic here. It reduces the noise in the function and means there's less indentation.

It's also better to structure your function in terms of lots if if statements that have returns and no else because you can easily find code duplication and refactor for AOP style advice later.


function example(...) {
if (...) return true;
if (...) return true;
// compute something
return computation;

Both of those return statements might be candidates for refactoring into advice. If we had a bunch of nested if statements that'd be harder to notice though.



That's exactly the kind of stuff I am talking about.


I had never even considered AOP stuff for this kind of logic; but that makes sense. Excellent point!


@Scott: Using a single exit point is not always that good, its not only about readability, its also about performance. If you know a situation should get out of the function right from the beginning, you should do so instead of letting it continue all the way down and go through all the next statements, cause thats just useless and a waste of time. I always use the guard logic, not because I read about it, it's just logic to me; one main stream down and whathever doesn't follow, get out right away.


For anyone not following on twitter...

Drew's test has a bug and calls Math.random() twice in the early return. If you fix that you'll see both are nearly identical in performance. The test is really flawed either way since the slowness of Math.random() is drowning out any difference from the early return/assignments.

Note that a decent JS compiler may rewrite the entire function to remove the early return (or add one). And that all modern browsers are going to turn both into very efficient assembly code when the JIT kicks in. Language constructs have very little performance impact (except "with" which turns off optimizations and makes everything slow...)



Math.random() probably is affecting the performance, but so is the function call itself. Branching logic has a major impact on performance this was just not a good test of it. A true test would remove the function call as well.



I'd challenge you to show me real world examples where branching logic has any statistical difference.

You're fighting the bare metal here. The assembly generated by the VM is going to be so fast that branching logic (CMP) and return (RET) likely have almost no impact at all. You might as well write this test in C.



I wanted to test returns inside a function, I can't test those without paying the cost of opening a function :P. So obviously, calling a method costs far more than premature returns 'guarded logic' inside it.

Of course, some code that requires no if/then/else would be faster than some that did, so thats not relevant. If the CPU can just burn through the numbers, it would outpace having to make decisions along the way. Again, this isn't what I was looking into, I wanted to see if returning early had an impact on performance.


@Drew Your test is flawed. When doing short circuiting logic, you typically do such in a function with a high amount of comparisons such as validation of a whole form. In this case, the first instance you fail and return early, then better as you jump over comparisons that don't need to be made. When your method returns an object, you will have some default state of the object, only filling out and returning a more complete object later in the method if you need to get that far. Your test doesn't do nearly enough work to be a valid comparison.



I'm a bit late to this conversation; but, I think we wouldn't want to test a return vs. no-return. We're already in a use-case where we're in a function that has to return a value. As such, the case where no value is return doesn't necessarily apply.

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel