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Ben Nadel at CFCamp 2023 (Freising, Germany) with: Patrick Trüssel
Ben Nadel at CFCamp 2023 (Freising, Germany) with: Patrick Trüssel

Ask Ben: Finding The Last Monday Of The Month In ColdFusion

Published in , Comments (14)

I see that you have been doing a lot of calendar stuff lately and I have question. How can I find the last monday of the month? TIA!

Finding the last monday of the month, or last "whatever" day of the week, just takes a little bit of math. Basically, what you want to do is get the last week of the month. This we can easily do by finding the last day of the month (first day of next month minus one day). From the last day, we can get the last week. Then, from the last week we can get the day of the week we are looking for. Of course, there is nothing about the day, at that point, that requires it to be in the current month. Therefore, all we need to do is compare the month of that day to the month we are looking at. If they are the same, we have our "last day"; if they are different, then by subtracting a week from that day, we will have found our "last day".

That's a bit of a mouthful; it might just be easier to walk through the code:

<!--- Get the current month based on the curren date. --->
<cfset dtThisMonth = CreateDate(
	Year( Now() ),
	Month( Now() ),
	) />

	Now, get the last day of the current month. We
	can get this by subtracting 1 from the first day
	of the next month.
<cfset dtLastDay = (
	DateAdd( "m", 1, dtThisMonth ) -
	) />

	Now, the last day of the month is part of the last
	week of the month. However, there is no guarantee
	that the "Monday" of this week will be in the current
	month. If Sunday was the last day of the month, then
	Monday would be the first day of the next month.
	Regardless, let's get the date of the target day.
<cfset dtMonday = (
	dtLastDay -
	DayOfWeek( dtLastDay ) +

		This is the day of the week that we are
		trying to find (2 = Monday).
	) />

	Now, we have a Monday, but we are not exactly sure if
	this Monday is in the current month. if is not, then
	we know it is the first Monday of the next month, in
	which case, subracting 7 days (one week) from it will
	give us the last Monday of the current Month.
<cfif (Month( dtMonday ) NEQ Month( dtThisMonth ))>

	<!--- Subract a week. --->
	<cfset dtMonday = (dtMonday - 7) />


	Output the date of the last Monday. CAUTION: Our date
	math above has left us with a NUMERIC DATE, not a
	traditional date/time stamp. Therefore, be careful
	about using things like IsDate() as this numeric date
	will NOT pass these checks.
	Last Monday Of Month:
	#DateFormat( dtMonday, "full" )#

Running the above code we get the following output:

Last Monday Of Month: Monday, July 30, 2007

Now, we just found the last Monday, but we could easily abstract this out to find any "last day" of the month. Notice that in the above algorithm, we only referred to Monday as being day "2" in one place. By replacing that "2" with a variable, suddenly, we can find any last day of the week - of the month.

Let's wrap that up in a ColdFusion user defined function, GetLastDayOfWeekOfMonth(). I know that function name is a mouthful, but frankly, I couldn't come up with anything better to call it:

	hint="Returns the date of the last given weekday of the given month.">

	<!--- Define arguments. --->
		hint="Any date in the given month we are going to be looking at."

		hint="The day of the week of which we want to find the last monthly occurence."

	<!--- Define the local scope. --->
	<cfset var LOCAL = StructNew() />

	<!--- Get the current month based on the given date. --->
	<cfset LOCAL.ThisMonth = CreateDate(
		Year( ARGUMENTS.Date ),
		Month( ARGUMENTS.Date ),
		) />

		Now, get the last day of the current month. We
		can get this by subtracting 1 from the first day
		of the next month.
	<cfset LOCAL.LastDay = (
		DateAdd( "m", 1, LOCAL.ThisMonth ) -
		) />

		Now, the last day of the month is part of the last
		week of the month. However, there is no guarantee
		that the target day of this week will be in the current
		month. Regardless, let's get the date of the target day
		so that at least we have something to work with.
	<cfset LOCAL.Day = (
		LOCAL.LastDay -
		DayOfWeek( LOCAL.LastDay ) +
		) />

		Now, we have the target date, but we are not exactly
		sure if the target date is in the current month. if
		is not, then we know it is the first of that type of
		the next month, in which case, subracting 7 days (one
		week) from it will give us the last occurence of it in
		the current Month.
	<cfif (Month( LOCAL.Day ) NEQ Month( LOCAL.ThisMonth ))>

		<!--- Subract a week. --->
		<cfset LOCAL.Day = (LOCAL.Day - 7) />


	<!--- Return the given day. --->
	<cfreturn DateFormat( LOCAL.Day ) />

Now that we have that in place, let's run a little script to test it out across the year:

	<!--- Loop over every month in year. --->

		<!--- Get last monday. --->
			)#<br />


Running that code, we get the following output:


Notice that our July 30, 2007 lines up with our first example. And, checking my calendar, the rest of the dates line up nicely.

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Reader Comments


The problem with the numeric date due to your date math, could you get round this by just using DateAdd functions instead of doing arithmetic directly on the date object?



Yes, DateAdd() would get around the formatting issue, however, I am pretty sure that doing date math directly is faster than calling the DateAdd(). Plus, and this is just my personal preference, doing math looks nicer. DateAdd(), to me, adds a lot of "noise" to the code that really isn't adding any benefit (of course, that is only true if you know that you can do date math).... but again, mostly personal preference.


i thought of another interesting way to accomplish the same thing, which was a little more intuitive for me. instead of just subtracting one week if the day that you originally selected happens to fall in the next month, you simply loop "backwards" from the last day of the month by subtracting zero through six from it until you find the day you are looking for. if you were looking for the last sunday, and sunday happens to be the last day of the month, you're golden. otherwise you just work backwards saturday, friday, etc. until you hit your target day.



Yes, that would accomplish the same thing, so if you find that method more intuitive, by all means go for it.



For something like that, I'd probably just get the first day of the next month, subtract one, and then use dayOfWeek().


You can find the last day of any month with just 3 lines of CF code:

<cfset Variables.monthEnd = DateFormat(DateAdd("m",1, Now()), "mm/d/yyyy")>
<cfset Variables.monthEnd = ListSetAt(Variables.monthEnd,2,"1","/")>
<cfset Variables.monthEnd = DateFormat(DateAdd("d",-1, Variables.monthEnd), "mm/d/yyyy")>


Hi everybody!!!,

I am figure out, how I get "day of week (name of day)", of this week, last week, last month and the last year. Example:

Today: Wendsday Aug 14, 2013. Note: is 3rd week of month

Last week: Wendsday Aug 7, 2013. Note: I looking for a "wendsday" of the last week

Last month: Wendsday Jul 17, 2013. Note: I'm looking for a wendsday of 3rd week of last month, because THIS week of august is 3rd week )

Last year: Wendsday Aug 14, 2012

As you can see, I am looking for a "same day" in last week, last month and last year.

Could someone help me?

Thanks in advance


I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel