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Ben Nadel at NCDevCon 2011 (Raleigh, NC) with: Shannon Cross
Ben Nadel at NCDevCon 2011 (Raleigh, NC) with: Shannon Cross

Recursive ColdFusion Custom Tag Example

Published in Comments (11)

I've shown several examples of recursive functions in ColdFusion, but it occurred to me that I have never shown any recursive ColdFusion custom tag examples. ColdFusion custom tags can be invoked from within their own code just the same as a function can. For this example, we will create a ColdFusion custom tag that will output the nodes of an XML document of an undetermined nesting depth. Because the nested child depth is not known, we cannot use a set number of FOR loops to output it. That is where the beauty of recursion comes in; we don't have to know how deep something like an XML document is nested because we will just keep drilling down until we hit a bottom.

To start off, let's build an XML document and pass it into our ColdFusion custom tag for display:

	Create an XML document that has some information
	for the very beautiful and highly delicious Maria Bello.
	By using an XML document, we will be creating an
	eaily navigatable document for our recursive tag.
<cfxml variable="xmlMovies">

				Thank You For Smoking
				A History Of Violence


	Output the XML nodes in our movies document. We are
	going to pass in the primary XML document and let
	the tag recursively call itself to display the rest
	of the nested nodes.

Here, we are just creating an XML document of movies staring the talented Maria Bello. Then, we hand the XML document object off to the ColdFusion custom tag, showxml.cfm, which outputs the XML document:

			Thank You For Smoking
			A History Of Violence

All we had to do was pass off the XML document object to the showxml.cfm tag. The tag, then drills down displaying XML nodes as it finds them:

<!--- Kill extra output. --->

		This is the XML object that is going to be
		displayed. This might be an XML document or
		it might be an XML node.

		This is the depth of the XML node. We will
		need this to indent the XML node on output.

		Check to see if the passed in XML object was
		a document. If it is, then grab the root node
		reference and store that back into the attribute.
	<cfif IsXmlDoc( ATTRIBUTES.Xml )>

		<!--- Get the root node reference. --->
		<cfset ATTRIBUTES.Xml = ATTRIBUTES.Xml.XmlRoot />


		ASSERT: At this point, no matter what type of
		XML data was passed into the custom tag, the
		ATTRIBUTES.Xml variable now points to an XML
		document node.

	<!--- Create a string for the current depth. --->
	<cfset strDepth = RepeatString(
		) />

	<!--- Create a string for the next depth. --->
	<cfset strNextDepth = RepeatString(
		(ATTRIBUTES.Depth + 1)
		) />



	<!--- Output the open node tag. --->
	&lt;#ATTRIBUTES.Xml.XmlName#&gt;<br />

			Check to see if this node has child nodes. If it
			does, we are going to recurse through those. If
			not, we are just going to display the node text.
		<cfif ArrayLen( ATTRIBUTES.Xml.XmlChildren )>

				Loop over the XML children and send each
				one recursively to this tag.
				to="#ArrayLen( ATTRIBUTES.Xml.XmlChildren )#"

					Call the current tag, but this time, pass
					in the given child of the current XML node.
					xml="#ATTRIBUTES.Xml.XmlChildren[ intI ]#"
					depth="#(ATTRIBUTES.Depth + 1)#"



				Output the node text. When outputing this
				value, use the NEXT node depth as the text
				will be indented beyond the current tag.
			#ATTRIBUTES.Xml.XmlText#<br />


	<!--- Output the close node tag. --->
	&lt;/#ATTRIBUTES.Xml.XmlName#&gt;<br />


	Exit out to the tag. We only need to fire
	the open tag. We don't care about any duplicate,
	close tag functionality.
<cfexit method="EXITTAG" />

Notice that we only passed in the XML document object to this tag, but the tag itself takes two attributes, XML and Depth. Initially, we don't care about the depth, which will default to zero, but as the custom tag begins to invoke itself recursively, it passes in an incremented depth value so that the output nests, not only syntactically, but also visually.

Once inside the tag, we check to see what type of XML object we have. The first time the tag gets invoked, we are passing in a true XML document object; however, for all subsequent recursive calls, we are passing in an XML node of the original document. In order to make sure that the algorithm can handle the values uniformly, we check to see if we have an XML document and if we do, we replace it with the root XML node of the document. This allows the rest of the code to always assume it has an XML node reference no matter what was passed in.

Then, in the meat of the tag, we check to see if the passed-in XML node has children. If it does, we loop over the children and pass each one recursively back into the current ColdFusion custom tag. Once we hit a node that has no children, we simply output the node value and close out of that instance of the custom tag.

Recursion is a very powerful tool to have and to understand. It really lets you tackle problems that cannot feasibly be done with a set number of loops. But, be cautious because a poorly thought out recursive algorithm can quickly eat up all you RAM bringing your system to a standstill or potentially taking the server down. Sometimes, it is good to build a maximum depth into a recursive algorithm, especially one where not option needs to be explored (such as in artificial intelligence games).

Want to use code from this post? Check out the license.

Reader Comments


Yeah, but its a gooood movie. Plus it has a very surprise appearance by William Hurt who is just totally awesome as well.... plus I saw Maria nekid :D


Hey Ben-

I'm trying to get this going. I'm in CF6, so that may be my problem, but I'm getting an error: "The required parameter ATTRIBUTES.Xml was not provided."

Any clues?


Ahh. Well, I got a little further, but it looks like CF6 won't take the type="xml" portion of the code. It says "Attribute TYPE has an invalid value." This project is on hold until we upgrade.

Thanks for you help anyway, Ben!


i appreciate this forum alot.the issue is that there is so much dearth of coldfusion developers out there. is it like coldfusion is not as robust as other languages or whats d issue?



The good news is that there are more ColdFusion developers than in the past; the trend is definitely climbing. The language is getting more and more powerful. So, hopefully, the public image will start to improve.

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel