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Ben Nadel at InVision In Real Life (IRL) 2018 (Hollywood, CA) with: Jesse Dearing
Ben Nadel at InVision In Real Life (IRL) 2018 (Hollywood, CA) with: Jesse Dearing

XStandard ColdFusion Web Services Solution

Published in , , Comments (35)

I have programmed a ColdFusion version of the XStandard web services. I feel that XStandard is the best WYSIWYG XHtml editor that I have ever come across. I have worked hard with the support XStandard to come up with a version of their code that will integrate nicely with our ColdFusion applications.

For those of you who already use XStandard with ColdFusion and an alternate web services solution such as ASP or PHP, here are some reasons you might want to consider switching to my ColdFusion edition:

  1. ColdFusion is generally easier to understand and modify (especially if your speciality is ColdFusion).
  2. It will be called as part or your ColdFusion application and use all the pre-page processing that any page on your site will call. This leads to all sorts of security and integration benefits.
  3. It does NOT require the installation of any COM objects that are required for the ASP(X) versions.
  4. It has a better debugging and testing environment that allows you to see the SOAP requests made by the XStandard editor and the SOAP responses made by the ColdFusion code.

This is NOT AN OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED version of the XStandard web services. You can work with XStandard support to get things up and running, but feel free to post comments here if you are having trouble and I can help you integrate.

Download the RAR: xstandard_coldfusion_2006_06_22.rar

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Just trying to decide whether I want a solution that needs software installing on each client computer - rather goes against the grain of a web-based application...



I hear you. It was a step in another direction to go the installed ActiveX route. Howerver, FireFox installs it automatically... and frankly, it is such a high-level application that I am ok with installing it. The pros so far out weigh the cons in my head.


Ben, you rock. I'll definitely look into replacing the the provided web services I'm using at work with your code when I have some spare cycles.


Thanks dude! When I get some more time, I am looking to update this code. I used XPath for the first time and it was my first experience with SOAP so there is a lot stuff that could be much cleaner. It also converts things to XML and back to string for no useful reason.

When I have a some free time, I will get to it eventually :)


Ben, you rock. I'll definitely look into replacing the the provided web services I'm using at work with your code when I have some spare cycles.

Thanks man


Ben, you rock. I'll definitely look into replacing the the provided web services I'm using at work with your code when I have some spare cycles.

thank you


Would like to know how to write Coldfusion web service which will accept the attachment .
As per the SOAP attachment


Thanks for sharing, i 'm looking for a good WYSIWYG and i need one as soon as possible so i think i will try Xstandard.


Ben, you rock. I'll definitely look into replacing the the provided web services I'm using at work with your code when I have some spare cycles.


I dont know if i am in the correct forum, i have a webservice https://somehost/xmlfeed/somefile.cfc?wsdl
its working fine my problem is that when i remove "?wsdl" from the url and enter in a browser's addressbar it is revealing the login for the ColdFusion administrator.Can you advise any way to prevent this?
Thanks in Advance!!!!!!!!



If you remove the WSDL flag, you have to include a method to execute:


... otherwise, the ColdFusion server wants to explore it, rather than execute it.


Hi Ben

I've been using XStandard for a few years now and never had the time to play around with the LinkLibary, DirectoryLibrary, ImageLibrary and AttachmentLibrary. I've also been put off because the sample code is ASP or PHP which I wasn't comfortable with installing on our web server. I'm in the process of building a bespoke CMS for our website and I stubled across your version here recently and am in the process of integrating it. Thanks very much for sharing your code, it works brilliantly and I'm sure would have taken you quite a bit of time so thanks again for sharing!!!!



Hello again, I forgot to mention in my last post that I was banging my head against the wall when 1st trying to get your code setup and wanted to share my solution to save others time.

When I "installed" your web service version I dropped the directory into the CMS folder. My main rationale for this was for security to prevent a malicious person from hitting the cfm files directly and trying to upload some dogey files or code (unlikely I know but just another barier, also it just keeps the web service file neatly within the CMS). Anyway, I couldn't get any of the web services to work i.e when I clicked on any of the related buttons in XStandard it would throw a unable to conect to web service error. Unfortunately there is no way of debugging errors within XStandard so it was a lot of guess work. I could hit the various web serivce cfm file directly and get Status:Ready so I was baffled without any debug. Eventually I worked out that because the web service files were being called via the XStandard plugin and because the web service files were under the CMS folder it was trying to run various routines from my CMS root App.cfc file. All I had to do to fix it was add a dummy App.cfm file into your XStandard web service root folder.

Perhaps you can add a concise version of my finding to your readme if you have a moment.

Thanks again for sharing!

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel