The 15th Annual Regular Expression Day - June 1st 2022
Happy Regular Expression Day! This is your annual reminder to learn you some Regular Expressions for great good! Pattern matching is a skill that comes with a massive return on investment (ROI). It is no exaggeration that I use ColdFusion and JavaScript Regular Expression (RegEx) functions every single day. Literally! Once you understand how patterns work, you see them everywhere! They are a game changer!

Make Strings work for you! Learn how to harness the power of pattern matching today!
Reader Comments
I call regex the "Black Magic". If you're a tenured wizard, sure, otherwise it's the devil's work!
Joking aside, when you get a regex working like you want, it's awesome!
I also find that I can write them, but forget about reading them 😜 If there's a pattern in the code, it better be preceded by at least 1-line of comments explaining what the heck this chicken-scratch is trying to accomplish.
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