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Ben Nadel at CFUNITED 2010 (Landsdown, VA) with: Damon Gentry
Ben Nadel at CFUNITED 2010 (Landsdown, VA) with: Damon Gentry

Ask Ben: Testing The Existence Of A Query Column In CFScript

Published in , Comments (4)

When I am in a script block, how can I test for the existence of a column?

Testing for existence of column in a query (I assume you mean a query column) is easy inside of a CFScript block in ColdFusion. Actually, it's easy anywhere: all you have to do is check to see if it is in the ColdFusion query's ColumnList attribute:

<!--- Check to see if column exists. --->
<cfif ListFindNoCase( qQueryObject.ColumnList, "column_name" )>

	<!--- Column found! --->
	Sweeet! #column_name# is available in the query.


This uses searches through the column list of the query. I am never sure what case this list comes back in (upper, lower, mixed) and so I do a NoCase find method call. This should return the index of the matching item. If there is no matching item, then it returns zero which ColdFusion will interpret as False.

You can also reference a ColdFusion query object like it was a struct with keys. These keys, among other things, contain the columns. Therefore, you can also check for key existence:

<!--- Check to see if column KEY exists. --->
<cfif StructKeyExists( qQueryObject, "column_name" )>

	<!--- Column found! --->
	Sweeet! #column_name# is available in the query.


Now, you asked about doing this inside of ColdFusion CFScript tags. These are just simple list and key checking operations and can be easily translated to CFScript:

// Check to see if column exists.
if (ListFindNoCase( qQueryObject.ColumnList, "column_name" )){

	// Column found!
		"Sweeet! #column_name# is available in the query."


// Check to see if column KEY exists.
if (StructKeyExists( qQueryObject, "column_name" )){

	// Column found!
		"Sweeet! #column_name# is available in the query."


You would of course replace qQueryObject with name of your query and column_name with the name of your query. Good luck!

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Reader Comments



Actually, if what you are looking for is to loop over a list of columns and, for example, if a column does not exist, alter the table, you could do it this way:

<cfquery name="opciones_pp_venta" datasource="">select * from opciones_pp_venta where empresa_id like '#elusuario.empresa#'</cfquery>

<cfloop query="opciones_pp_venta">
<cfquery name="#opciones_pp_venta.des_op_1#_hay" datasource="">
select #opciones_pp_venta.des_op_1# from pp_venta_#request.empresa#
<cfcatch type="database">
<cfswitch expression="#opciones_pp_venta.tipo_opcion#">
<cfcase value="1">
<cfquery datasource="">ALTER TABLE `pp_venta_#request.empresa#` ADD `#opciones_pp_venta.des_op_1#` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;</cfquery>
<cfcase value="5">

<cfcase value="3,4" delimiters=",">
<cfquery datasource="">ALTER TABLE `pp_venta_#request.empresa#` ADD `#opciones_pp_venta.des_op_1#` TINYINT NOT NULL;</cfquery>

First I loop over a table that has all the posible columns ( a column could be a varchar, tinyint, int, etc...I have a column for that...) then I loop over a cftry cfcatch; if the column does not exist, I alter the table, depending on the attribute needed the process enters a cfswitch where every case has a particular type...with this I could manage for each client to have particular sets of columns, depending on their needs..hope you might find any other applications...


Actually I'm back here because I have the right answer: BOTH , Ben's and Mine's are right just to keep in mind the following: what are you looking for a DB check before the query? Mine's good; don't know and don't care if you have to alter table, or don't want to alter the table, just want to know if the column exists or not: Ben's the script for it! Just if you we're wondering about both methods...

thank you!

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel