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Ben Nadel at the New York ColdFusion User Group (Nov. 2009) with: Ruslan Sivak
Ben Nadel at the New York ColdFusion User Group (Nov. 2009) with: Ruslan Sivak

Using Base32 Encoding And Decoding In ColdFusion

Published in Comments (4)

Earlier this week, I looked at converting a binary value into a "bit stream" that would allow for sub-byte reads. I did this because I was trying to figure out how to run Base32 encoding in ColdFusion, which requires splitting binary data up into 5-bit chunks. This was a surprisingly complicated task, which took me 2 days to figure out. But, I wrapped up what I learned into a ColdFusion component called Base32.cfc.

As I was researching Base32 encoding (since I didn't know much about it at all), I did see that there are Apache Commons libraries that implement Base32 encoding. But, those don't seem to be installed in my local version of Java. So, I set about trying to implement [some of] the Base32 standard on my own, in ColdFusion.

I don't think I've implemented all the constraints; and, I didn't even look at Base32Hex (which uses the same encoding process but with a different encoding alphabet). But, I ran it through a series of simple tests and it seems to work.

During the encoding and decoding process, I started out using a Java ByteArrayOutputStream. However, after reading this article, it was suggested that a Java ByteBuffer would have much better performance when converting the buffer into a binary value (which is what I do at the end of each process). The trade-off is one of complexity in that the ByteBuffer has to be pre-allocated, which means that you have to calculate the length of the output before you start the encoding or decoding process.

Internally, the encoding and decoding process uses byte-arrays; but, in order to make the ColdFusion component easier to use, I made methods for both binary and string inputs:

  • encode( string ) :: base32-encoded string.
  • encodeBinary( binary ) :: base32-encoded binary.
  • decode( base32-string ) :: decoded string.
  • decodeBinary( base32-binary ) :: decoded binary.

And the code for Base32.cfc:

// NOTE: CFScript used for Gist color coding. Can be removed.
	output = false
	hint = "I provide encoding and decoding methods for Base32 values."

	* I server no purpose since the methods on this component are "static".
	* @output false
	public any function init() {

		return( this );


	// ---
	// ---

	* I decode the given Base32-encoded string value.
	* @output false
	* @hint The input string is assumed to be utf-8.
	public string function decode( required string input ) {

		var binaryOutput = decodeBinary( charsetDecode( input, "utf-8" ) );

		return( charsetEncode( binaryOutput, "utf-8" ) );


	* I decode the given Base32-encoded binary value.
	* @output false
	public binary function decodeBinary( required binary input ) {

		// I map the encoded bytes onto the original 5-bit partial input bytes.
		var decodingMap = getDecodingMap();

		// I hold the intermediary, decoded bytes.
		var buffer = getAllocatedDecodingBuffer( input );

		// The input maybe be padded with "=" to make sure that the value is evenly
		// divisible by 8 (to make the length of data more predictable). Once we hit
		// this byte (if it exists), we have consumed all of the encoded data.
		var terminatingByte = asc( "=" );

		// I help zero-out the parts of the byte that were not discarded.
		var rightMostBits = [
			inputBaseN( "1", 2 ),
			inputBaseN( "11", 2 ),
			inputBaseN( "111", 2 ),
			inputBaseN( "1111", 2 )

		// As we loop over the encoded bytes, we may have to build up each decoded byte
		// across multiple input bytes. This will help us keep track of how many more
		// bits we need to complete the pending byte.
		var decodedByte = 0;
		var bitsNeeded = 8;

		// Decode each input byte.
		for ( var byte in input ) {

			// If we hit the EOF byte, there's nothing more to process.
			if ( byte == terminatingByte ) {



			// Get the original 5-bit input that was encoded.
			var partialByte = decodingMap[ byte ];

			// If we need more than 5 bits, we can consume the given value in it's
			// entirety without actually filling the pending bit.
			if ( bitsNeeded > 5 ) {

				// Push the incoming 5-bits onto the end of the pending byte.
				decodedByte = bitOr( bitSHLN( decodedByte, 5 ), partialByte );

				bitsNeeded -= 5;

			// If we need exactly 5 more bits, we can use the given value to complete
			// the pending bit.
			} else if ( bitsNeeded == 5 ) {

				// Push the incoming 5-bits onto the end of the pending byte.
				decodedByte = bitOr( bitSHLN( decodedByte, 5 ), partialByte );

				// At this point, the pending byte is complete.
				buffer.put( decodedByte );

				decodedByte = 0;
				bitsNeeded = 8;

			// If we need between 1 and 4 bits, we have to consume the given value
			// across, two different pending bytes since it won't fit entirely into the
			// currently-pending byte (the leading bits complete the currently-pending
			// byte, then the trailing bits start the next pending byte).
			} else {

				var discardedCount = ( 5 - bitsNeeded );

				// Push only the leading bits onto the end of the pending byte.
				decodedByte = bitOr(
					bitSHLN( decodedByte, bitsNeeded ),
					bitSHRN( partialByte, discardedCount )

				// At this point, the pending byte is complete.
				buffer.put( decodedByte );

				// Start the next pending byte with the trailing bits that we discarded
				// in the last operation.
				decodedByte = bitAnd( partialByte, rightMostBits[ discardedCount ] );

				bitsNeeded = ( 8 - discardedCount );


			// NOTE: We will never need an ELSE case that requiers zero bits to complete
			// the pending byte. Since each case that can result in a completed byte
			// (need 5 bits (1) or less than 5 bits (2)) already push a byte on to the
			// result, we will never complete a byte without pushing it onto the output.


		// Return the result as a binary value.
		return( buffer.array() );


	* I encode the given string value using Base32 encoding.
	* @output false
	* @hint The input string is assumed to be utf-8.
	public string function encode( required string input ) {

		var binaryOutput = encodeBinary( charsetDecode( input, "utf-8" ) );

		return( charsetEncode( binaryOutput, "utf-8" ) );


	* I encode the given binary value using Base32 encoding.
	* @output false
	public binary function encodeBinary( required binary input ) {

		// I map the 5-bit input chunks to the base32-encoding bytes.
		var encodingMap = getEncodingMap();

		// Base32-encoded strings must be divisible by 8 (so that the length of the data
		// is more predictable). We'll pad the null characters with "=".
		var paddingByte = asc( "=" );

		// I hold the intermediary, encoded bytes.
		var buffer = getAllocatedEncodingBuffer( input );

		// In order to iterate over the input bits more easily, we'll wrap it in a
		// BigInteger instance - this allows us to check individual bits without having
		// to calculate the offset across multiple bytes.
		var inputWrapper = createObject( "java", "java.math.BigInteger" ).init( input );

		// Since BigInteger will not take leading zeros into account, we have to
		// explicitly calculate the number of input bits based on the number of input
		// bytes.
		var bitCount = ( arrayLen( input ) * 8 );

		// Since each encoded chunk uses 5 bits, which may not divide evenly into a
		// set of 8-bit bytes, we need to normalize the input. Let's sanitize the input
		// wrapper to be evenly divisible by 5 (by pushing zeros onto the end). This
		// way, we never have to worry about reading an incomplete chunk of bits from
		// the underlying data.
		if ( bitCount % 5 ) {

			var missingBitCount = ( 5 - ( bitCount % 5 ) );

			inputWrapper = inputWrapper.shiftLeft( javaCast( "int", missingBitCount ) );

			bitCount += missingBitCount;


		// Now that we have know that our input bit count is evenly divisible by 5,
		// we can loop over the input in increments of 5 to read one decoded partial
		// byte at a time.
		// --
		// NOTE: We are starting a bitCount-1 since the bits are zero-indexed.
		for ( var chunkOffset = ( bitCount - 1 ) ; chunkOffset > 0 ; chunkOffset -= 5 ) {

			var partialByte = 0;

			// Read 5 bits into the partial byte, starting at the chunk offset.
			for ( var i = chunkOffset ; i > ( chunkOffset - 5 ) ; i-- ) {

				// Implicit read of "0" bit into the right-most bit of the partial byte.
				partialByte = bitSHLN( partialByte, 1 );

				// If the underlying input bit is "1", update the partial byte.
				if ( inputWrapper.testBit( javaCast( "int", i ) ) ) {

					partialByte = bitOr( partialByte, 1 );



			// At this point, the partial byte value is a number that refers to the
			// index of the encoded value in the base32 character-set. Push the mapped
			// characterByte onto the buffer.
			buffer.put( encodingMap[ partialByte ] );


		// If the number of chunks isn't divisible by 8, we need to pad the result.
		while ( buffer.remaining() ) {

			buffer.put( paddingByte );


		// Return the result as a binary value.
		return( buffer.array() );


	// ---
	// ---

	* I provide a pre-allocated ByteBuffer that will store the output string value
	* during the decoding process. This takes into account the possible padding of the
	* input and will discard padding characters during buffer allocation.
	* @output false
	private any function getAllocatedDecodingBuffer( required binary input ) {

		var paddingByte = asc( "=" );

		var inputLength = arrayLen( input );

		// When allocating the output buffer, we don't want to take the padding
		// characters into account. Decrement the input length until we hit our first
		// trailing non-padding character.
		while ( input[ inputLength ] == paddingByte ) {



		// Since each encoded byte reprsents only 5-bits of the encoded input, we know
		// that we know that the total number of meaningful input bits is *5. But then,
		// that has to represent full, 8-bit bytes.
		var totalOutputBytes = fix( inputLength * 5 / 8 );

			createObject( "java", "java.nio.ByteBuffer" ).allocate(
				javaCast( "int", totalOutputBytes )


	* I provide a pre-allocated ByteBuffer that will store the base32 value during the
	* encoding process. This takes into account the possible need to pad the final output
	* and will be allocated to the exact length needed for encoding.
	* @output false
	private any function getAllocatedEncodingBuffer( required binary input ) {

		// Each 5-bits of the input bytes will represent a byte in the encoded value. As
		// such, we know that the output will required the total number of bits (n * 8)
		// divided by 5-bits (for each output byte).
		var totalOutputBytes = ceiling( arrayLen( input ) * 8 / 5 );

		// The length of the output has to be evenly divisible by 8; as such, if it is
		// not, we have to account of the trailing padding ("=") characters.
		if ( totalOutputBytes % 8 ) {

			totalOutputBytes += ( 8 - ( totalOutputBytes % 8 ) );


			createObject( "java", "java.nio.ByteBuffer" ).allocate(
				javaCast( "int", totalOutputBytes )


	* I return an array of character-bytes used to represent the set of possible Base32
	* encoding values.
	* @output false
	* @hint This returns a Java array, not a ColdFusion array.
	private array function getBase32Bytes() {

		return( javaCast( "string", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567" ).getBytes() );


	* I return a struct that maps Base32 input characters to the bytes that are
	* used in the encoding process.
	* Example: map[ encodedByte ] => byte.
	* @output false
	private struct function getDecodingMap() {

		var byteMap = {};

		var bytes = getBase32Bytes();
		var byteLength = arrayLen( bytes );

		for ( var i = 1 ; i <= byteLength ; i++ ) {

			byteMap[ bytes[ i ] ] = ( i - 1 );


		return( byteMap );

	* I return a struct that maps input bytes to the characters that are used
	* to encode in Base32.
	* Example: map[ byte ] => encodedByte.
	* @output false
	private struct function getEncodingMap() {

		var byteMap = {};

		var bytes = getBase32Bytes();
		var byteLength = arrayLen( bytes );

		for ( var i = 1 ; i <= byteLength ; i++ ) {

			byteMap[ i - 1 ] = bytes[ i ];


		return( byteMap );



I used an online Base32 encoding demo to build up a suite of tests. Then, I ran the tests through my Base32.cfc component to test both the encoding and decoding process:


	// Set up our known Base32-encoded values.
	tests = {
		"C" = "IM======",
		"Co" = "INXQ====",
		"Com" = "INXW2===",
		"Come" = "INXW2ZI=",
		"Come " = "INXW2ZJA",
		"Come w" = "INXW2ZJAO4======",
		"Come wi" = "INXW2ZJAO5UQ====",
		"Come wit" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI===",
		"Come with" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2A=",
		"Come with " = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BA",
		"Come with m" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANU======",
		"Come with me" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSQ====",
		"Come with me " = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA===",
		"Come with me i" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2I=",
		"Come with me if" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LG",
		"Come with me if " = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEA======",
		"Come with me if y" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4Q====",
		"Come with me if yo" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W6===",
		"Come with me if you" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65I=",
		"Come with me if you " = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JA",
		"Come with me if you w" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO4======",
		"Come with me if you wa" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO5QQ====",
		"Come with me if you wan" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO5QW4===",
		"Come with me if you want" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO5QW45A=",
		"Come with me if you want " = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO5QW45BA",
		"Come with me if you want t" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO5QW45BAOQ======",
		"Come with me if you want to" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO5QW45BAORXQ====",
		"Come with me if you want to " = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO5QW45BAORXSA===",
		"Come with me if you want to l" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO5QW45BAORXSA3A=",
		"Come with me if you want to li" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO5QW45BAORXSA3DJ",
		"Come with me if you want to liv" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO5QW45BAORXSA3DJOY======",
		"Come with me if you want to live" = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO5QW45BAORXSA3DJOZSQ====",
		"Come with me if you want to live." = "INXW2ZJAO5UXI2BANVSSA2LGEB4W65JAO5QW45BAORXSA3DJOZSS4==="

	// Instantiate our base32 encoder - the encode/decode methods are static.
	base32 = new Base32();

	testInputs = structKeyArray( tests );

	arraySort( testInputs, "text", "asc" );

	for ( input in testInputs ) {

		// Encode the value.
		encodedInput = base32.encode( input );

		// Decode the encoded-value.
		decodedOutput = base32.decode( encodedInput );

		// Check to see if the process worked in both directions.
		encodingPassed = ( encodedInput == tests[ input ] );
		decodingPassed = ( input == decodedOutput );

		// Output test results for this test.
		writeOutput( ( encodingPassed && decodingPassed ) ? "[PASS]" : "[FAIL]" );
		writeOutput( " #input# >> #encodedInput# >> #decodedOutput# <br />" );



All the tests pass! And, I used a awesome Terminator 2 quote, so that's pretty much a win for everyone. Such a great movie.

If this post did nothing else, it sure did teach me a lot about bit-wise operations. And, just as the "bit stream" post was a stepping-stone to Base32 encoding, so is this post a stepping-stone for something else. More to come on that later.

Want to use code from this post? Check out the license.

Reader Comments



Caution, I don't think this actually works for ASCII characters over 127. I didn't test that case; but, it looks like that has to use multi-byte encoding, which this component does NOT decode properly.

I'm working on a fix, trying to figure out what is going wrong where.

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel