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Ben Nadel at cf.Objective() 2014 (Bloomington, MN) with: Andy Matthews
Ben Nadel at cf.Objective() 2014 (Bloomington, MN) with: Andy Matthews

Call For Lightning Talk Speakers At cf.Objective() 2011

Published in Comments (4)

It's almost time for this year's cf.Objective() ColdFusion conference and the conference committee is looking for Lightning Talk submissions. I participated in this session last year and it was an absolute blast! For those of you who haven't heard of this, a Lightning Talk is a short, ~6 minute talk consisting of 20 slides that each display automatically for 20 seconds. There's not a set category of topics - you can talk about whatever you want; last year's presentations spanned from beer to love to health to ColdFusion.

And, anyone can participate - you don't have to be a speaker. In fact, I'm not giving a presentation at cf.Objective(); but, I had so much fun doing this Lightning Talk last year that I really want to see if I can come up with a topic this year!

If you're interested, please checkout the cf.Objective() blog.

Reader Comments


This sounds like a fun thing! I wish I could do it! I would submit if I weren't working, but maybe they'll be doing it again next year, and I will be able to take off time by that time, because I will have put in enough time at the company I am at (that or maybe I'll be unemployed next year :-)...either way...)

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel