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Ben Nadel at CFCamp 2023 (Freising, Germany) with: Sanja Wieland
Ben Nadel at CFCamp 2023 (Freising, Germany) with: Sanja Wieland

Extending Encrypted ColdFusion Application.cfm Functionality

Published in Comments (16)

We just had an interesting problem here at work. We are building an eCommerce site that needs to be shut down on certain days. Normally, this would not be a problem - we'd just put some code in the Application.cfm or Application.cfc that would check the date on each request and either render the normal page or render a "Closed" page. The problem that we came up against was that we are implementing an existing software product in which the Application.cfm file is encrypted. This means that we can't go into the file and simply add the desired functionality.

At first, I wasn't sure what to do, but then something dawned on me: the Application.cfm code does NOT need to be in an Application.cfm. Well, ultimately it does, but the code itself doesn't have to be located in a file named Application.cfm. So, what we did was rename the existing, encrypted Application.cfm to be named "EncryptedApplication.cfm". Then, we created a new Application.cfm that simply included the old Application.cfm file:

	Include the template that handles the functionality and
	display of the "Sorry, We're Closed" page.
<cfinclude template="site_down.cfm" />

<!--- Include original Application file. --->
<cfinclude template="EncryptedApplication.cfm" />

This way, our "site_down.cfm" template can execute on every page request and prevent the page load, if needed. And, we don't lose the functionality of our original Application.cfm file.

Small tip, but I thought this might inspire people who are working with any off-the-shelf products that have encrypted files.

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Reader Comments


Remember that if a directory contains both Application.cfc and Application.cfm, only the CFC is run. So another option would have been to use onRequestStart() in Application.cfc. This would just avoid renaming the existing Application.cfm



Then we would have lost all of the functionality of the Application.cfm. But yes, if we built this thing form scratch, I would go with OnRequestStart().


True, I could have unencrypted it, I do have the application, but I believe that would have violated the product terms of use for the eCommerce system. That changes that anything bad would have come of it are pretty much nill, but even still, this seemed like the quicker approach :)


I'm curious: if you're allowed to say, why do they want their eCommerce site shut down on certain days?

Most online vendors tremble at the thought of their ordering system being down for even an hour or two, lest they miss a sale.


Ah ya, the ever elusive terms and conditions... Sorry didn't realize this was a paid for app, I was just assuming this was something a prior developer did because they thought it would help.

Technically speaking, hasn't encrypting cfm files pretty much been a worthless security effort since about 99-00?



It's for religious reasons. There are certain days / times were the client is not supposed to be actively making money.


Yeah, sorry I was not clear on that. But, definitely, encrypting the file really does nothing. I (and I assume many others) have that CFDecrypt.exe program :)


Very clever!

I'm going to use this trick next time my wife is mad because I wasn't paying attention: "I wasn't ignoring you, honey! I was just cfincluding your conversation, which allows me to do what I'm working on now while still taking in your most excellent and awe inspiring wisdom."



<cfcomponent hint="Application.cfc">

<cfinclude template="Application.cfm" />

<cffunction name="onRequestStart">

<!--- yadda yadda yadda --->




Sorry, Commented a bit too late last night (on UK time)! I meant that you would probably need to put the cfinclude that Adrian suggested in the OnRequestStart method of Application.cfc


Do you know of any way to use this trick to "extend" Application.cfm (analogous to what Application.cfc lets you do?)

e.g. you have:
/root/Application.cfm (general application stuff)

/root/mySubSection/Application.cfm (want to include root Application.cfm along with some sub section specific stuff.)

I tried <cfinclude template="/Application.cfm" /> but that did not have the desired effect.


@Ben Nadel,

Thanks! Using a relative path worked perfectly.

When I used an absolute path I was getting CF debug output in the content panel of the page - that may be specific to our Application.


You can't always decrypt CFM files anyway. I have a product I'm using, and some of the key components are encrypted with some sort of key, or hash or something, and running it through any of the decryption software just does nothing.

So, this post helped me greatly in modifying something encrypted.

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel