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Ben Nadel at InVision In Real Life (IRL) 2019 (Phoenix, AZ) with: Keeley Hammond
Ben Nadel at InVision In Real Life (IRL) 2019 (Phoenix, AZ) with: Keeley Hammond

Project HUGE : Week Two Successfully Completed

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I recently finished my second week of Project HUGE and I have to say that things are going very nicely. I ran through the same workouts that I did the first week. I have decided to do so for the third week as well. This will allow me to see nice gains from week to week which will help me keep with it mentally. The only problem I had this week was that at the end of the last day my left shoulder started to hurt again. I was pushing my body nicely though, so I think it just get a bit sore. I did some shoulder exercises over the weekend and it is feeling better.

Day One : Legs

Back Squat

155 x 12
175 x 10
195 x 8
215 x 8

Smith Machine Step-Ups (substitute)

70 x 12
80 x 10
90 x 8 (very hard)
100 x 8 (very hard)

Hip Adduction

190 x 12
190 x 12
190 x 12
190 x 8 (failure)

Hip Abduction

90 x 12
100 x 10
110 x 8
120 x 6 (to 8)


235 x 15
255 x 10
255 x 8
255 x 8

These weights are all up from week one which is nice. Someone was using my step area so I had to substitute standard step-ups with step ups on the Smith Machine. I had thought this was going to be easier but it KICKED my ass. This just goes to show you how important variation is in weight training.

Day Two : Chest / Shoulders / Biceps

Dumbbell Overhead Press

40 x 12
45 x 10
50 x 8
55 x 9 (+)

Dumbbell Chest Press

40 x 12
45 x 10
50 x 8
55 x 8 (to 9)

Assisted Dips

-100 x 12
-80 x 10
-70 x 8
-60 x 9 (to 10)

Barbell Curls

40 x 12
50 x 10
60 x 8
70 x 8

Unilateral Dumbbell Preacher Curls

15 x 12
20 x 10
25 x 7 (to 8)
30 x 4

Again, all weights are up. I am every excited about the shoulder press; it felt much better than it did last week. The assisted dips are also beginning to feel more natural. I am sure that soon I will be able to do body weight dips again and soon thereafter be able to add some weight.

Day Three : Back / Triceps / Calves

Dead Lift

235 x 10
255 x 8
255 x 6
305 x 6
315 x 6

Lateral Pull Down

105 x 12
120 x 10
135 x 8
150 x 5 (to 6)

Narrow Grip Cable Row

90 x 12
105 x 10
120 x 8
135 x 7 (to 8)

E-Z Bar Skull Crushers

50 x 12
60 x 10
70 x 8
80 x 7 (failure)

Cable Push Downs



235 x 12
255 x 10
275 x 10
295 x 7

Let's start with the good: Dead lifts :) The third set was mistake. I forgot to go up in weight. But, by the fourth set at 305, I was so pumped up that I just had to go for the fifth set at 315 lbs. 315 is three 45 lbs plates on either side. That's a good amount of weight... the kind of weight where the bar might start to bend a bit. Very exciting.

But then of course, we have some shoulder pain issues. I couldn't do any cable push downs and I decided not to push it at all cause my shoulder is in a delicate place. But today it is feeling better, so that's good. Overall though, great week. I am really pumped up and I am very happy with the effort that I have been putting out. Keep it up Ben!

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I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel