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Ben Nadel at Scotch On The Rock (SOTR) 2010 (Munich) with: Christian Etbauer
Ben Nadel at Scotch On The Rock (SOTR) 2010 (Munich) with: Christian Etbauer

Absolute Grid (ReactJS) Knock-Off In AngularJS

Published in Comments (9)

Right now, it's "cool" to hate on AngularJS. This is unfortunate because AngularJS is an extremely powerful framework. Sure, it has some problems in the same way that no framework is perfect. But, once you dig into AngularJS and understand how it works, there are very few problems that can't be solved. Recently, one of my co-workers, Jonathan Rowny, published a ReactJS component called "Absolute Grid." To demonstrate my love for AngularJS (and to work on my AngularJS skills), I wanted to see if I could [mostly] re-create the component in AngularJS and achieve the same kind of performance that the ReactJS community likes to talk about.

Run this demo in my JavaScript Demos project on GitHub.

Now, to be fair, I haven't recreated all aspects of the Absolute Grid component because I didn't want to put more than a weekend into it - eventually, there's a point of diminishing returns for pleasure in an exploration like this. But, there was definitely a sufficient amount of complexity here - I really had to stretch the way I think about AngularJS and about how I organize components.

The absolute grid creates a layout that is automatically sized to fit into its container. And, it updates that layout as the items in the collection are changed or zoomed. However, the grid doesn't "own" that functionality, it simply consumes it. The root controller, that owns the list, also owns the filtering and the zooming. This is an important separation of concerns because the grid can't know how those features (filtering and zooming) fit into the greater application. It only knows that it has to consume and respond to those changes.

Ultimately, the grid is just a repeater that stamps-out clones of the grid item content. Since the repeater needs to create data that is available to the content (such as the item reference), we can't use an isolate scope. Which also means that we can't use the fancy (and expensive) two-way data binding. This turns out to be a good constraint because isolate scope adds additional watchers (which we don't need) and forces us to think about treating the grid as a pure consumer.

The grid is too complex to really describe in detail, so I'll leave it up to you to explore the code below. Something like half of the code is dedicated to just the sortable nature of the grid.

<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="Demo">
	<meta charset="utf-8" />

		Absolute Grid Knock-Off In AngularJS

	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//,800"></link>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./demo.css"></link>
<body ng-controller="AppController as vm">

	<div class="body">

			Absolute Grid Knock-Off In AngularJS

			<a href="" target="_blank">Jonathan Rowny</a> built a really cool
			<a href="" target="_blank">grid component for ReactJS</a>
			(<a href="" target="_blank">See Demo</a>).
			However, as a lover of AngularJS, I thought it would be a fun challenge to try and knock-off the
			functionality, in an AngularJS context, with the hopes of achieving the same

			Sample display items courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank">InVisionApp</a>.

			The filtering and the zoom are owned and operated by the App Controller,
			NOT THE GRID, because they are not the purview of the grid. The grid is
			simply a consumer of this data and does not have a complete picture as to
			how this data fits into the greater application.

			<input ng-model="vm.form.filter" type="text" placeholder="Filter eg: calender" />

			<div class="zoom">
				<a ng-click="vm.decreaseZoom()">-</a>
				<a ng-click="vm.increaseZoom()">+</a>
				( {{ vm.zoom }} )

			<div ng-show="vm.hiddenCount" class="count">
				Showing {{ vm.visibleCount }} of {{ vm.items.length }}


			The grid renders the items in an absolutely positioned grid that fits
			dynamically in its container (based on width). The grid creates a repeater
			that will stamp out clones of the content for each item in the collection.
			NOTE: Some of these attributes are scope-accessors and some of them are
			simple values that will be used to generate the grid repeater. I think this
			is some of the ambiguity that the AngularJS 2.0 syntax is going to clarify.
			item-visibility="! item.isHiddenByFilter"
			item-move="vm.moveItem( item, index )">

				ng-style="::{ 'background-image': 'url( ' + item.url + ' )' }">

			<div class="label">{{ }}</div>


		<!-- If the filtering results in no visible items. -->
		<div ng-show="! vm.visibleCount" class="no-matches">
			Come at me, bro!

		<!-- Speed tests for DOM execution. -->
		<div class="mounting">
			<a ng-show="vm.items.length" ng-click="vm.testUnmount()">Test Unmount</a>
			<a ng-hide="vm.items.length" ng-click="vm.testMount()">Test Mount</a>


	<!-- Load scripts (NOTE: Sample data loaded at the bottom). -->
	<script type="text/javascript" src="../../vendor/jquery/jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="../../vendor/angularjs/angular-1.3.16.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

		// Create an application module for our demo.
		var app = angular.module( "Demo", [] );

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

		// I control the root for the application, including the collection of items.
			function( $scope, sampleItems ) {

				var vm = this;

				// I am the collection that we are rendering in the grid.
				vm.items = augmentItems( sampleItems );

				// I keep track of how many items are visible based on filtering.
				vm.hiddenCount = 0;
				vm.visibleCount = 0;

				// I am the zoom setting for the items in the grid.
				vm.zoom = 1.0;

				// I manage the ngModel data.
				vm.form = {
					filter: ""

				// I watch for changes in the filter and then update the visibility of
				// items in the collection to match the filtering.
				$scope.$watch( "vm.form.filter", handleFilterChange );

				// Expose the public API.
				vm.decreaseZoom = decreaseZoom;
				vm.increaseZoom = increaseZoom;
				vm.moveItem = moveItem;
				vm.testMount = testMount;
				vm.testUnmount = testUnmount;

				// ---
				// ---

				// I decrease the zoom of the grid items, stopping at a lower-bound.
				function decreaseZoom() {

					if ( ( vm.zoom -= 0.1 ) < 0.3 ) {

						vm.zoom = 0.3;


					// To fix horrible maths functionality in JavaScript.
					vm.zoom = Number( vm.zoom.toFixed( 1 ) );


				// I increase the zoom of the grid items, stopping at an upper-bound.
				function increaseZoom() {

					if ( ( vm.zoom += 0.1 ) > 1.5 ) {

						vm.zoom = 1.5;


					// To fix horrible maths functionality in JavaScript.
					vm.zoom = Number( vm.zoom.toFixed( 1 ) );


				// After the user is done sorting an item in the list, I execute the
				// change in the view-model, moving the given item to the new location.
				function moveItem( item, newIndex ) {

					var existingIndex = vm.items.indexOf( item );

					if ( existingIndex === -1 ) {



					vm.items.splice( existingIndex, 1 );
					vm.items.splice( newIndex, 0, item );


				// As a speed test (for rendering), I re-mount the sample data.
				function testMount() {

					vm.items = sampleItems;


				// As a speed test (for rendering), I remove the sample data (so that it
				// can be subsequently re-mounted).
				function testUnmount() {

					vm.items = [];


				// ---
				// ---

				// I augment the item for use in the view-model.
				function augmentItem( item ) {

					item.isHiddenByFilter = false;

					item.normalizedSearchTarget =;

					return( item );


				// I augment the items for use in the view-model.
				function augmentItems( items ) {

					for ( var i = 0, length = items.length ; i < length ; i++ ) {

						augmentItem( items[ i ], i, length );


					return( items );


				// I update the item visibility when the filtering is changed.
				function handleFilterChange( newQuery ) {

					var normalizedQuery = newQuery.toLowerCase();

					vm.visibleCount = vm.items.length;
					vm.hiddenCount = 0;

					for ( var i = 0, length = vm.items.length ; i < length ; i++ ) {

						var item = vm.items[ i ];

						item.isHiddenByFilter = normalizedQuery
							? ( item.normalizedSearchTarget.indexOf( normalizedQuery ) === -1 )
							: false

						if ( item.isHiddenByFilter ) {




					vm.visibleCount -= vm.hiddenCount;



		// I manage the data grid, allowing for soring and filtered rendering.
		// --
		// CAUTION: Due to the sorting behavior of this directive, I am depending heavily on
		// the methods provided by the ** jQuery ** flavor of angular.element().
			function( $document, $parse ) {

				// Return the directive configuration object.
				// --
				// CAUTION: Ultimately, our data-grid is really just a repeater. However,
				// we need the data from the repeater to be available in the content of the
				// grid item. As such, we can't use the isolate scope and the two-way data
				// binding, which is actually a good thing since it makes the code easier
				// to reason about. Isolate scope is generally not desirable.
					compile: compile,
					restrict: "A"

				// I compile the directive, wrapping the content inside an ngRepeat.
				function compile( tElement, tAttributes ) {

					// Gather the grid attributes that we need to construct the ngRepeat.
					var gridItems = ( tAttributes.gridItems || "[]" );
					var itemIndex = ( tAttributes.itemIndex || "gridItem" );
					var itemIdentifier = ( tAttributes.itemIdentifier || "id" );
					var itemVisibility = ( tAttributes.itemVisibility || "false" );

					tElement.addClass( "grid-items" );

					// Wrap the content in an ngRepeat that is constructed using the value
					// references defined by the calling context.
					var item = angular.element( "<div></div>" )
						.attr( "ng-repeat", ( itemIndex + " in " + gridItems + " track by " + itemIndex + "." + itemIdentifier ) )
						.attr( "ng-show", itemVisibility )
						.attr( "ng-style", ( itemIndex + ".gridItemStyle" ) )
						.addClass( "grid-item" )
						.append( tElement.children().remove() )
						.appendTo( tElement )

					return( link );


				// I bind the JavaScript events to the local scope.
				function link( scope, element, attributes ) {

					// Gather our attribute-based data.
					// --
					// NOTE: Some of these are static values (ex, item-width), and some of them
					// are expressions that will be pulled out of the context (ex, gridItem).
					// That is why some are parsed and some are just referenced.
					var gridItemsAccessor = $parse( attributes.gridItems );
					var gridZoomAccessor = $parse( attributes.gridZoom );
					var itemIndex = ( attributes.itemIndex || "gridItem" );
					var originalItemWidth = attributes.itemWidth;
					var originalItemHeight = attributes.itemHeight;
					var itemVisibilityAccessor = $parse( attributes.itemVisibility );
					var itemMoveAccessor = $parse( attributes.itemMove || angular.noop );

					// Setup the grid state so that we can try to monitor changes in the grid
					// across the digest cycles.
					var gridState = {
						uid: 1,
						length: -1,
						zoom: -1,
						items: [],
						visibility: []

					// I determine if an element is currently being sorted.
					var isItemBeingSorted = false;

					// I watch for potential sort events, initiated by a click on one of the grid items.
					// --
					// NOTE: If you want to disable sorting, just omit this event binding.
					element.on( "mousedown", "div.grid-item", watchForSortEvent );

					// Monitor the state of the gird. We need to update the grid state and layout if any
					// of the following change:
					// --
					// * Items.
					// * Item visibility.
					// * Zoom.
					// --
					scope.$watch( watchDynamicValues, updateGridState );

					// ---
					// ---

					// All of the items in the grid are absolutely positioned, relative to the container
					// element. Whenever there is a change in the collection, or in the state of the
					// filtering, the layout has to be updated. The grid doesn't "own" the filtering; but,
					// it does have to react to changes in it.
					function adjustLayout() {

						// Get the dynamic width of the container. We'll need this to layout and evenly
						// space out the columns in the grid.
						var containerWidth = element.width();

						// Get the dimensions of each item to render based on the zoom-level.
						var itemWidth = Math.floor( originalItemWidth * gridState.zoom );
						var itemHeight = Math.floor( originalItemHeight * gridState.zoom );

						// Define the buffer size we want to keep between the items.
						var bufferWidth = 25;
						var bufferHeight = 25;

						// Get the height and width of the item including the buffers - this will make
						// subsequent calculations a bit easier.
						var outerItemWidth = ( itemWidth + bufferWidth );
						var outerItemHeight = ( itemHeight + bufferHeight );

						// Calculate the number of columns we can fit inside of the container, based
						// on the current zoom.
						var columnCount = Math.floor( containerWidth / outerItemWidth );

						// Check to see if we are a perfect match for N+1 items, less the last buffer.
						// When the last column is positioned, it won't have a right-hand buffer; as,
						// such, let's see if we can fit one more "natural" item in the row.
						if ( ( ( columnCount * outerItemWidth ) + itemWidth ) <= containerWidth ) {



						// Now that we know how many items can fit in a row, we can calculate the
						// adjusted buffer width for even distribution.
						var adjustedBufferWidth = Math.floor( ( containerWidth - ( columnCount * itemWidth ) ) / ( columnCount - 1 ) );

						var currentRow = 0;
						var currentColumn = 0;
						var lastPopulatedRow = 0;

						// Layout each item in the collection.
						for ( var i = 0, length = gridState.items.length ; i < length ; i++ ) {

							// If this item is not visible, skip over it - no need to lay it out.
							if ( ! gridState.visibility[ i ] ) {



							// NOTE: left / top logic is only including "buffer" after the first
							// column position (since the first column doesn't need buffer room).
							gridState.items[ i ].gridItemStyle = {
								width: ( itemWidth + "px" ),
								height: ( itemHeight + "px" ),
								left: ( itemWidth * currentColumn ) + ( currentColumn ? ( currentColumn * adjustedBufferWidth ) : 0 ),
								top: ( itemHeight * currentRow ) + ( currentRow ? ( currentRow * bufferHeight ) : 0 )

							lastPopulatedRow = currentRow;

							// If we are on the last column, move onto the next row.
							if ( ++currentColumn === columnCount ) {

								currentColumn = 0;



						// Since the items are absolutely positioned, we need to explicitly set the
						// height of the container element so that page flows remain intuitive.
						element.height( ( lastPopulatedRow + 1 ) * outerItemHeight );


					// If a state change was detected, I update the grid state to reflect the changes.
					function updateGridState() {

						// Get the "passed-in" values from the calling context.
						var items = gridItemsAccessor( scope );
						var zoom = gridZoomAccessor( scope );

						// Store the current state of the grid so we can dirty-check in future digests.
						// --
						// NOTE: We are allocating a new array for the items so that we have a unique
						// collection that can't be mutated by the calling context.
						gridState.length = items.length;
						gridState.zoom = zoom;
						gridState.items = items.slice();
						gridState.visibility = new Array( gridState.length );

						// When we access the visibility flag, we need to pass in the current item
						// as a local object (keyed on the itemIndex that was user-provided).
						var locals = {};

						for ( var i = 0, length = items.length ; i < length ; i++ ) {

							locals[ itemIndex ] = items[ i ];

							gridState.visibility[ i ] = itemVisibilityAccessor( locals );


						// NOTE: Once the state has been updated, we have to update the layout. We are
						// doing this in a async queue because the layout depends on the visibility of
						// the grid itself, which may not be immediately available. The delay ensures
						// that the grid is visible when we go to gather the dimensions.
						scope.$applyAsync( adjustLayout );


					// Monitor the state of the gird. We need to update the grid if any of the following
					// change:
					// --
					// * Items.
					// * Item visibility.
					// * Zoom.
					// --
					// Because this will run on every single digest, I am trying to make it as efficient
					// as possible, checking simple values before having to start checking the state of
					// the collection itself.
					function watchDynamicValues( scope ) {

						// If the user is currently sorting the elements, don't update the grid
						// using the normal means - some updating will be done in the sorting logic.
						if ( isItemBeingSorted ) {

							return( gridState.uid );


						// Changes in the collection reference.

						var items = gridItemsAccessor( scope );

						if ( ! items && ! gridState.length ) {

							return( gridState.uid );


						if ( items.length !== gridState.length ) {

							return( ++gridState.uid );


						// Changes in the zoom.

						var zoom = gridZoomAccessor( scope );

						if ( zoom !== gridState.zoom ) {

							return( ++gridState.uid );


						// Changes in the individual item or visibility references.

						var locals = {};

						for ( var i = 0, length = items.length ; i < length ; i++ ) {

							var item = locals[ itemIndex ] = items[ i ];

							if ( item !== gridState.items[ i ] ) {

								return( ++gridState.uid );


							if ( itemVisibilityAccessor( locals ) !== gridState.visibility[ i ] ) {

								return( ++gridState.uid );



						return( gridState.uid );


					// I watch the given mouse-down event to see if it "becomes" a sort event. Not all
					// mouse-down events trigger a sort; the selected item has to be moved beyond a
					// minimum threshold before the sorting will be initiated.
					function watchForSortEvent( event ) {

						// NOTE: If you don't want the given mouse-event to turn into a sorting event,
						// such as if the user moused-down on an Input element, for example, you could
						// put that logic here.
						// --
						// if ( isInvalidSortOriginEvent( event ) ) {
						// return;
						// }

						// Track the origin of the mouse-down event. All movement will be relative to
						// this coordinate.
						var originMouseX = event.pageX;
						var originMouseY = event.pageY;

						// Keep a reference to the select DOM element (the one potentially being sorted).
						var originElement = angular.element( this );


						// I manage the pre-sort phase of the sorting lifecycle. This is where the user
						// has moused-down but, has not yet demonstrated sufficient intent to sort.
						function enterPreSortPhase() {

							// I am the minimum number of pixels that the user has to drag before a
							// sort event is initiated.
							var thresholdDelta = 3;

							originElement.on( "mousemove", handleMousemoveEvent );
							$document.on( "mouseup", handleMouseupEvent );

							// I watch the mouse, checking to see if it exceeds the threshold for sorting.
							function handleMousemoveEvent( event ) {

								var thresholdDeltaX = Math.abs( originMouseX - event.pageX );
								var thresholdDeltaY = Math.abs( originMouseY - event.pageY );

								// If the user has expressed an intent to sort, transition to sort state.
								if ( Math.max( thresholdDeltaX, thresholdDeltaY ) > thresholdDelta ) {




							// I handle the mouse-up event for a pre-sort state.
							function handleMouseupEvent( event ) {



							// I teardown the pre-sort phase.
							function teardownPhase() { "mousemove", handleMousemoveEvent );
								$ "mouseup", handleMouseupEvent );


						} // END: enterPreSortPhase().

						// I manage the sort phase of the sorting lifecycle. This is where the user
						// has moved the mouse a sufficient amount to indicate a sort intent.
						function enterSortPhase() {

							// Flag that grid is now in an active sorting state. During this state,
							// the grid will *attempt* to go into lockdown. Meaning, the layout won't
							// be adjusted while a sort is taking place (as best as it can).
							isItemBeingSorted = true;

							// Since the item will be moved around with the mouse, we don't want this
							// item to have any transitions. This class will override transitions.
							originElement.addClass( "grid-item-sorting" );

							// Calculate the height and width for the origin element. We are going to
							// assume uniform dimensions for all items in the gird. This will make it
							// easier to calculate the hit-area events.
							var originElementWidth = originElement.width();
							var originElementHeight = originElement.height();

							var originElementLeft = parseInt( originElement.css( "left" ), 10 );
							var originElementTop = parseInt( originElement.css( "top" ), 10 );

							// Get all of the items in the grid and the elements they map to.
							var items = gridItemsAccessor( scope );
							var elements = element.children( "div.grid-item" );

							var originIndex = -1;
							var currentIndex = -1;

							var sortables = [];

							// Iterate over all of the elements, mapping teh visible elements into the
							// sortables collection that will actually manage the sort.
							for ( var i = 0, length = elements.length ; i < length ; i++ ) {

								var currentElement = angular.element( elements[ i ] );

								// If the current element isn't visible, skip to the next one.
								if ( ! ":visible" ) ) {



								// If this visible element is the origin element, keep track of the index
								// of it within the sortables collection. If this index changes, it will
								// indicate that the model needs to be udpated (to mirror the sort).
								if ( originElement) ) {

									originIndex = currentIndex = sortables.length;


								var item = items[ i ];
								var offset = currentElement.offset();

								// NOTE: The rectanble here is relative to the document, not to the
								// container.
									index: i,
									rectangle: {
										bottom: ( + originElementHeight ),
										left: offset.left,
										right: ( offset.left + originElementWidth ),
									position: {
										left: item.gridItemStyle.left,
									item: item,
									element: currentElement


							// Watch the mouse to orient the sortable element with the user.
							$document.on( "mousemove", handleMousemoveEvent );
							$document.on( "mouseup", handleMouseupEvent );

							// I watch the mouse movement to see if the mouse moves over another element
							// in the visible list.
							function handleMousemoveEvent( event ) {

								var currentMouseX = event.pageX;
								var currentMouseY = event.pageY;

								// Figure out how much the mouse has moved away from the initial mouse-down.
								var deltaMouseX = ( originMouseX - currentMouseX );
								var deltaMouseY = ( originMouseY - currentMouseY );

								// Move the element to the current mouse location, relative to the origin.
									left: ( originElementLeft - deltaMouseX ),
									top: ( originElementTop - deltaMouseY )

								// Now, we need to see if the mouse has moved over the hit-area of another
								// element in the grid, which would need to swap places with the origin element.
								var preHitIndex = currentIndex;

								// Iterate over the collection of sortables to find the first hit area.
								for ( var i = 0, length = sortables.length ; i < length ; i++ ) {

									// Skip over the current element (the one we are dragging around).
									if ( i === currentIndex ) {



									var sortable = sortables[ i ];

									// Check to see if mouse is over another item in the grid.
									if (
										( sortable.rectangle.left <= currentMouseX ) &&
										( sortable.rectangle.right >= currentMouseX ) &&
										( <= currentMouseY ) &&
										( sortable.rectangle.bottom >= currentMouseY )
										) {

										var tempItem = sortables[ currentIndex ].item;
										var tempElement = sortables[ currentIndex ].element;

										// Moving the item to the left.
										if ( i < currentIndex ) {

											for ( var t = currentIndex ; t > i ; t-- ) {

												sortables[ t ].item = sortables[ t - 1 ].item;
												sortables[ t ].element = sortables[ t - 1 ].element;


										// Moving the item to the right.
										} else {

											for ( var t = currentIndex ; t < i ; t++ ) {

												sortables[ t ].item = sortables[ t + 1 ].item;
												sortables[ t ].element = sortables[ t + 1 ].element;



										sortables[ currentIndex = i ].item = tempItem;
										sortables[ currentIndex = i ].element = tempElement;

										// We can only be over one element at a time, no need to keep checking.


								} // END: For-loop.

								// If we moused over another item in the collection and the active element
								// was moved into the new position, then we need to update the layout for
								// the elements involved.
								if ( preHitIndex !== currentIndex ) {

									var fromIndex = ( ( preHitIndex < currentIndex ) ? preHitIndex : currentIndex );
									var toIndex = ( ( preHitIndex < currentIndex ) ? currentIndex : preHitIndex );

									for ( var i = fromIndex ; i <= toIndex ; i++ ) {

										if ( i === currentIndex ) {



										var sortable = sortables[ i ];

											left: ( sortable.item.gridItemStyle.left = sortable.position.left ),
											top: ( = )




							// I watch for the mouseup event which would indicate that the sorting has
							// been completed.
							function handleMouseupEvent( event ) {

								var sortable = sortables[ currentIndex ];

								originElement.removeClass( "grid-item-sorting" );

								// If we never changed the final index, then there's nothing more to do.
								if ( originIndex === currentIndex ) {

									// Since there was no change in index, the grid state hasn't changed,
									// which means there will be no automatic layout adjustment. As such,
									// we have to explicitly move the item back to it's initial location.
										left: sortable.position.left,

									return( teardownPhase() );


								// If we made it this far, the current index is different than the origin
								// index which indicates that the origin element has moved to a different
								// location in the visible list. As such, we have to change the model.
									function changeModel() {

												item: sortable.item,
												index: sortable.index




							// I teardown the sort phase.
							function teardownPhase() {

								// Flag the grid as no longer in an active sorting state.
								isItemBeingSorted = false;

								// Remove the mouse listeners.
								$ "mousemove", handleMousemoveEvent );
								$ "mouseup", handleMouseupEvent );


						} // END: enterSortPhase().

					} // END: watchForSortEvent().



	<script type="text/javascript" src="./sample-data.js"></script>


The grid doesn't use a Controller - all the work is done in the link() function. Since the bulk of the behavior revolves around JavaScript events, I didn't try to tease out the parts that should be in a Controller, such as the grid state.

Google Chrome definitely handles the performance better than Firefox. But, the bottleneck seems to be the animations (I'm using CSS3 transitions), not the AngularJS parts. I truly believe in the AngularJS framework for both its power and its relative simplicity (in terms of reasoning). I hope that people give it a fair chance and don't haphazardly jump from one framework to another.

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Reader Comments



It was a pretty cool journey. Thanks for the inspiration! Definitely one of - if not the most - complex things that I have build in AngularJS. Thinking about how to check for dirty values on the filtering was tough since the grid is not the owner of filtering, but rather a consumer. So, I had to figure out how to efficiently monitor the collection of items to see when / if their visibility changed. For me, the most interesting part of this whole demo is the watchDynamicValues() function which is what powers the main $watch() method. Half of me is always worried that that's it represents so much work; but, then I remember that this is basically what AngularJS and ReactJS are doing - diffing collections of data.


It's interesting that you could get Angular to perform almost as well as React in some browsers. Did the size of the lists make a difference? What happens when the list is really big?

Also, it'd be interesting if you or another Angular fan could split your demo out into a reusable module. I know it's not really what you were after in your experiment, but it's kind of hard to compare the code between a one-time demo and a modular, reusable component. I can't imagine people with a lot of time invested in Angular would want to switch to React (yet), but a comparison of the code for things like this would probably be worth looking at for people who are researching Angular vs. React for a new project.



There's no doubt that as the size of the list grows and / or the context in which it is used increases in complexity, performance is going to degrade. How much will depend very heavily on context and browser. For example, I've seen React code that doesn't perform that well in Firefox ... oh Firefox, I wish I could quit you.

As the list / context gets bigger, the limitation is always the amount of data that needs to be checked. The more data-bindings, the more data may have changed based on each user interaction. You can combat this by using things like the one-time bindings ( :: before the expression):


Which will go a long way. But, if you are dealing with cached data, or event-driven data, that might not be an option. If not, there's all kind of other stuff you can do to help reduce the number of bindings.

But, each context is different; so, you probably only need to worry about performance when it becomes a manifested problem.

As far as reusability, I tried to make it module. The directive is basically:

grid-zoom=" zoom expression "
grid-items=" items expression "
item-index=" ng-repeat item "
item-identifier=" track-by id "
item-width=" base width "
item-height=" base height "
item-visibility=" visibility expression "
item-move=" on-move expression ">



That said, I've never published an actual module, so I am not what the best-practices are for that. Like, how to incorporate the CSS and the jQuery requirement, etc..


Interesting article. I, myself, have recently delved into the react.js world as a part of an experiment I became involved with at work. I really like what I have seen of it so far. I've done some exploring Angular.js through your blog and looking into some of the things you write about on your blog, but my experience with it is limited. Have you ever worked with/used Plunker? ( I used it with my project, and I felt it was a pretty cool tool for developers. The project/experiment I was working with tied in to gitHub through Plunker. It was a pretty cool experience, because in the past, some of my lack of experimentation in the development world was simply wanting to keep my "work code" and my "play code/personal code" separate, and having a playground/place to do it. Using Plunker was like having a playground for me coding. GitHub may have something similar, and I've used GitHub some before, but when I followed this tutorial that Pluralsight sent me at work, they were using Plunker, and you didn't have to sign up or anything, and I found it to be quite a nice tool for developers. Thought I'd share. :-) Anyway, nice Angular work.


Great work! I wish I was skilled enough to code this up over a weekend. angular-isotope and angular-gridster do similar things too btw, although not exactly the same.


Ben, I took this grid and turned it into a nice little reusable directive. Really amazing work. Using it in a couple of projects.

My question is about the "compile" function. I don't love it. I tend to prefer using the "template" attribute to pass a function that uses that either grabs the innerHtml of the element or uses a pre-cached template from Angulars template cache and turn them both into a string. Then I use underscores template replacement functionality to pass attributes into these templates to set it up exactly as I like prior to returning it to the directive.

I know this is not the "angular way", but it sure seems easy and very flexible. Any ideas why I should not do it this way?


I'm definitely a noob at using Angular and this is demo program is way more complicated than any other demos I've ever tried to analyze. I don't see how the sample data: (sampleItems) gets populated before it gets passed into the controller. Any chance Ben or someone else could explain how this is happening to me?

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel