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Ben Nadel at InVision In Real Life (IRL) 2019 (Phoenix, AZ) with: Nick Miller
Ben Nadel at InVision In Real Life (IRL) 2019 (Phoenix, AZ) with: Nick Miller

The Boondock Saints: Back In The Theaters March 11th

Published in Comments (14)

In honor of its ten-year anniversary, The Boondock Saints (the original) is going to be back in the movie theaters for one night on March 11th (this Thursday) as a Fathom Events screening. I love this movie and I never got the chance to see it on the big screen. The first time I ever saw it, I think I purchased it on a whim for $1.99 in a Virgin Records "DVD Clearance" bin. Who knew that the movie would turn out to be awesome!


The Boondock Saints - 10th Anniversary Screening - March 11, 2010 - Fathom Events.  

I love the big screen experience. This is gonna be sweeeet!

Reader Comments


"The scene with the cat is classic..."

Ok, so I think that went from "wait for someone to buy it off my wishlist" to "buy it so I can watch it this week" priority. ;)



I thought the second was decent. It was definitely in the same look/feel of the first; but, sequels usually fall short of the original glory.


It's got a solid "cult classic" following. Good cast too. Willam Dafoe is really good in it.


Psst.. Willem. :) And it doesn't look like I will get to see in when I'm in LA Thursday PM, so please enjoy it enough for both of us!


@Ben - *giggle* All I can think about is what they told us at Jewish sleepaway camp about Shabbat (Sabbath) being 'double mitzvah' night: it's always a mitzvah to have sex, but it's doubly so on the Sabbath. I am guessing they meant for married couples and not for horny teenagers. But it worked for us!;-)

Will eagerly await your report on B-Saints- and if I see Julie Benz, who was in BS2, while I'm in LA I will tell her you liked her movie!


I for one, will go on the record and say that I thought Boondock Saints 2 was EXCELLENT... its so automatic these days to criticize sequels, seems to me most people never give any movies' sequel a fair shake...

Troy Duffy did an excellent job expanding the story and character roots, as well as keeping that trademark Boondock wit and pace... I felt it was every bit as good as the original...

The only thing that really stood out to me was that Flannery and Reedus have both def aged since the first... both of them heavily under their eyes... enough so that they seem almost too old to fit the chronology of the characters... but, thats being really nitpicky :)

call me a Boondock fanboy... I've got my fingers crossed for 3 !!


I can't remember anything about the movie, except I saw it once about 5 years ago and it was brilliant. Might have to try and get hold of it again.



I agree with you - I thought the 2nd was exactly what I was hoping it would be. It was executed in the exact same style, which is what I loved about the first one.


It's definitely quality. I like to give it another watch every now and then.


Anyone else feel that, although Boondock Saints II was a good film on it's own, it was lacking something that Boondock Saints had? There were so many "God intervening" moments in the first that I had to watch it over and over to catch them all. Boondock Saints II didn't have that. Also, Boondock Saints II had ALOT more "gratuitus violence", and what I felt were Troy Duffy's ATTEMPTS at creating more one-liners for fans to repeat.
So, in comparison, I is better than II. However on it's own I truely enjoyed II.



It's hard to live up to the first in any series. And, these two were 8 years apart (or something like that), so there's a lot of time to make up for. But, as you say, the II was still enjoyable. It wasn't perfect, but somehow, it was just what the doctor ordered :)

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel