$().data jQuery Demo


// The meta data method will wrap around the data function, but use 
// a single point of entry for our data so that we can get the key
// collection of no parameters are passed.
jQuery.fn.metaData = function(){
	var strCollectionKey = "__metadata";
	var objData = null;
	var strKey = "";
	var strValue = "";
	// Check to see how many arguments were passed-in.
	if (arguments.length == 0){
		// Return the data collection for the first element in the
		// jQuery collection. 
		// Get the meta data collection.
		objData = this.data( strCollectionKey );
		// Check to see if we have a data object yet.
		if (!objData){
			// Store an empty struct in the meta data.
			this.data( strCollectionKey, {} );
		// Return an meta data collection.
		return( this.data( strCollectionKey ) );				
	} else if (arguments.length == 1){
		// Return the value for the first element in the jQuery collection. 
		return( this.metaData()[ arguments[ 0 ] ] );
	} else if (arguments.length == 2){
		// Set the given name value. We will be doing this for each element
		// in our jQuery collection.
		// Create a local reference to the arguments (so that we can later
		// refer to them in the each() method.
		strKey = arguments[ 0 ];
		strValue = arguments[ 1 ];
		// Iterate over each element in the collection and update the data.
			function( intI, objElement ){
				var jElement = jQuery( this );
				// Get the meta data collection.
				var objData = jElement.metaData();
				// Set the values. Because the object is passed by reference,
				// we don't need to re-store it.
				objData[ strKey ] = strValue;
		// Return the current jQuery object.
		return( this );

		// Get a refernce to our button.
		var jButton = $( "form :button" );
		// Bind the initial click count.
		jButton.metaData( "clickCount", 0 );
		// Hook up the click handler.
			function( objEvent ){
				// Get the current click count.
				var intCount = jButton.metaData( "clickCount" );
				// Increment the click count.
				// Store it back in the button data and store the
				// time at which the button was clicked.
					.metaData( "clickCount", intCount )
					.metaData( ("click" + intCount), new Date() )
				// Update the button display.
				jButton.val( "Click Me ( " + intCount + " )" );
				// Debug meta data.
				DebugMetaData( jButton );
// I debug the given meta data element.
function DebugMetaData( jObject ){
	var jOutput = $( "#debug" );
	var objData = jObject.metaData();
	// Iterate over the data and output it.
		function( strKey, val ){
			jOutput.append( strKey + " : " + val + "<br />" );
	// Add another empty line.
	jOutput.append( "<br />" );